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Category: fiction

Serenity Gardens (A Short Story)

I’m working on new chapters of The Signal that will be coming out over the next couple of weeks. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy this short story I recently finished.

The song I’ll Follow You Into The Dark by the band Death Cab for Cutie was playing. It had come out when they were teenagers. It was their song. This was the last time they’d hear it together, if she was even really hearing it. He believed that she was, or hoped it at least. Melanie Stephenson was asleep, or unconscious really. Wes Stephenson—her husband of 39 years—knew that it was unconsciousness. Sleep was something you woke up from, and he knew that she would not wake up again. 

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The Signal – Chapter 2: Anjira

Triage bays are intentionally uncomplicated. A big red line in the floor marks where med techs bring their patient-loaded liters—up to ten of them. If they have a green triage tag, the med techs leave them and go back for more. They’ll get a bed when and if they are free. If they have yellow tags, they get moved up immediately to stabilization beds or the medics stay with them if all five of the beds are full. If they have a red tag, they pass straight through triage to critical intake. 

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The Signal – Chapter 1: Addie

UEFS Aconcagua – Menkent Star System

17 November 2725 – 06:33

The distinct two-tone klaxon of the all-hands alarm was more than enough to wake Addie Forrester up from her normally light sleep. It was not, however the gentle chime and warm dim light of her normal wake-up alarm. It was also an hour early. 

Her berth in the junior officer’s quarters was one of three conjoined by a small common area and sharing a single washroom. While she was sleeping or just wanted privacy, a pressure door would slide down over the opening to the larger room, leaving her in a space the footprint of her one by two meter mattress with a little over a meter of headroom. In an emergency, her berth would be sealed off against vacuum and—conveniently—noise. At her height of 173cm, it was slightly claustrophobic for Addie, but not so small as to feel like a coffin. 

The lights in her berth and all the sleeping quarters were lit in a relatively dim red color in an emergency, just enough light to completely make out her surroundings, but the right color and brightness to preserve her night vision if she needed it. She could see the display panel to her left ringed with the slowly pulsing red emergency frame and displaying some basic ship information.

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The Signal – Introduction and Prologue

An Introduction to The Signal

This might seem weird but The Signal is actually the second book of a planned trilogy. At one point I had basically the entirety of the first book written, but after a bit of workshopping decided to give it at least a partial rewrite. Starting this second book is a part of that process. I wanted the first book to be cohesive with and flow into the second and third books.

That said, the first book—The Vault—takes place almost 700 years prior to this book, in an alternate history version of the much nearer future. Either way, my plan is to release both books chapter-by-chapter here on my blog and eventually as complete works both digitally and in print. You won’t need to have read any of the first book to understand the second and vice-versa, but each book will reveal more of the back story of the other as they go along.

If you enjoy science fiction like I do, I hope you’ll enjoy The Signal. And if you really do like it, would you consider helping me keep writing it by buying me a coffee?

Prologue – The Shipyards

Lagrange Station—officially “L1 Interorbital Manufacture and Space Operations Station”—sat in the area of perfect equilibrium between Earth and the Moon. Construction started with the core section in 2129 and has been more-or-less ongoing in the nearly 600 years since. 

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