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Trustworthy Organizations in Gaza for Donations

Last updated on May 14, 2024

No one with a conscience should be able to see what is happening in Gaza and not want to help.

Of course, the only real solution according to the UN and virtually every human rights organization in the world is a permanent ceasefire under which Israel can no longer kill thousands of innocent civilians, lay waste to the civic and residential infrastructure of Gaza, and prevent aid from reaching those trapped there.

Until that happens, there are some organizations who are doing good work in Gaza to provide food, WASH, healthcare, housing, and search-and-rescue. Some have been there for decades, others have only come in since the beginning of Israel’s assault on Gaza in October.

I have tried to do as much research and due diligence as I can to vet these organizations and their operational philosophy, but I am not a perfect person. If you know of any substantial reason why any of these organizations might not be considered trustworthy, please contact me and I will consider removing it from the list. I will also add additional organizations periodically as I find them.

Médicins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders)

Unquestionably one of the most respected, trustworthy, and capable NGOs working to provide emergency care, rescue, and preventative medicine in Gaza. They have also been outspoken and unequivocal in their call for a permanent ceasefire.

Palestine Children’s Relief Fund

An organization founded in 1991 in the US, PCRF provides thousands of children in Gaza and throughout occupied Palestine with access to medical care and humanitarian aid. With over a million children in Gaza suffering from both physical and mental injuries, PCRF is one of the few organizations focusing on children specifically.


Anera (American Near East Refugee Aid) was founded in the wake of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War with a mission to provide humanitarian relief to the hundreds of thousands of people of Palestine left suffering from that war. They have been working since the Israeli assault began, providing tens of thousands of meals, WASH items, and medical treatments

Palestinian Red Crescent Society

PRCS is the Palestinian branch of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement operating in Palestine since before the First World War and a member of the international society since 2006. They provide the majority of ambulance services in Gaza as well as multiple other medical services, and have been illegally attacked by the IOF on multiple occasions.

Published inpoliticssocial justiceUncategorized


  1. […] If you’re interested in reading Hillbilly Elegy, I’d recommend picking it up from your local library (which you can find here) or reading/listening on Libby. J.D. Vance doesn’t deserve any of your money. (Maybe you could make a donation to help people in Palestine instead.) […]

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