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Tag: recall

Untitled Weekly Newsletter – Vol. 3

Interesting Things on The Internet:

On Reddit: A guide for healthcare workers on providing compassionate care to trans folks:

Other things I’m reading:

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Microsoft Recall Is A Very, Very Bad Idea

Microsoft’s new AI-powered ‘Recall’ feature saves frequent screenshots along with associated data for access by the Copilot+ AI assistant.

If you know anything about cybersecurity—and I mean literally anything—Recall seems like a really bad idea. The idea is to store hundreds of snapshots of your potentially sensitive computer activity, in order to allow Copilot to assist you in finding things you previously looked at. Essentially it’s browsing history, but for the entire scope of your computer use. Anything from your bank account password to sensitive health records will be saved, along with not-clearly-defined metadata about what you’re using.

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