Last updated on October 21, 2024

I saw a Tesla Cybertruck in Indianapolis for the first time this week.
They are just as gargantuan and ugly in real life as they are on the internet. True to form and expectation, this one had just cut someone off from getting into the turn lane.
My friend Lucas’s thought on them is this: “The perfect embodiment of the suburban pickup truck. Barely useful bed that’ll never get used for “tough work,” ugly as sin, mostly used to ferry rich guys and their children, high enough so you can’t see the pedestrians you’re killing. It’s like someone took an F-150 and turned all the dials to 11.”
What I’m Watching:
I saw this interview with a protestor on campus at the University of Chicago in their Gaza solidarity encampment shortly after they were attacked by UCPD and CPD. I never thought I would see something like this on broadcast news (let alone from a Fox affiliate) but the protestor does a great job of being clear, concise, and thoughtful in his explanation.
He lays out exactly what they are experiencing at the hands of the police and school, exactly what it is they are protesting, and reminds the viewer to keep the focus on what is happening in Gaza. Really incredible.
Recent Reading:
A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, and Have We Really Thought This Through?
by Kelly and Zach Weinersmith
You might know the Weinersmiths from their other book Soonish: Ten Emerging Technologies That’ll Improve and/or Ruin Everything or from Zach’s [really funny] webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.
This book is an exploration of all the things that would make living in space a very hard thing to do, reigning in some of exorbitant claims from SpaceBros about permanent human settlements on Mars and things like that.
It’s a nice reality check that’s made a little easier with a good sense of humor and Zach’s great illustrations.
Also, This Article: Ascension Healthcare Suffers Major Cyberattack
This has been an ongoing situation that has affected healthcare at hundreds of hospitals and clinical sites around the US. In Indiana—where I live—the second largest healthcare system is Ascension St. Vincent. Right now patients are experiencing significant delays in care, are unable to schedule non-emergent. procedures, and have been unable to get prescriptions filled.
What I’m Working On:
- I’m working on a way to send this out these posts as an email newsletter. Based on my viewership statistics I don’t expect it’ll be a lot of people that want that, but nonetheless I’ll make it an option at some point.
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